

English Language Education

Corpus Linguistics and Storytelling

  • Introduces basics of corpus linguistics so that students are trained to use corpus in the study of storytelling

Discourse Analysis and Storytelling

  • Through various theories and methodology, this course tries to investigate the structure and techniques of storytelling

Narrative and Culture

  • Mass media such as movie, TV drama, musical, folksongs, advertisement are analyzed in terms of storytelling structure

The Analysis and Application of Visual Language and Narrative

  • Analyzing new digital image texts, this course focuses on the core English literature and pursues a new method of literary education

Studies on Broadway Theatre and Performance

  • This course focuses on the main popular culture, such as New York Broadway stage works, and seek to build up new theories

Fantasy Literature and Game Narrative

  • Various fantasy theories will be compared and the texts will be dealt with

Discourse Studies in Narratives

  • The universal structure of storytelling will be sought and theoriests like Altuser, Foucault, Faircliff will be referred to.

Storytelling Methods and Structuralist Narrative Theory

  • Structuralist narrative theories will be dealt with and based on this various texts types such as novels, movies and advertisement will be analyzed.

Practicum in Storytelling

  • Both practical and theoreitcal aspects of storytelling will be practiced

Assessment in Storytelling

  • Storytelling modeling will be attempted so that the purpose of assessment and personal histories will be incorporated in building up a storytelling model.

Studies on Language Identity in American Minority Literature

  • Minority literature of America will be read and alayzed and linguistic identity will be found in doing so.

Multilingula Communities and Narrative Inquiries

  • Foreign students and workers, international couples and returning students will be viewed in terms of language identity

Language Identity and Narrative Studies

  • Language acquisition and communication will be viewed through the eye of narrative anstorytelling, and language identity will be analyzed.

Children's Literature and Storytelling for Education

  • Children's literature and performance on stages will be investigated in relation to English industry

Storytelling Education through Drama

  • English drama will be utiliaed as a way of English education

Oral Practice in English Storytelling

  • As a storytelling practicum, this course aims to diagnose and enhance the English speaking proficiency.

English Narrative Speech

  • Collecting speaking data in storytelling environment, this course pursues a new way of English education.

Storytelling Speech Methods

  • Various pronunciation methods in storytelling environment will be discussed

Production and Application of Literature Contents

  • Advertisement, law, science, education, and healing will be considered in relation with literary texts.

British and American Children's Literature and Storytelling Writing

  • British and American literary works will be investigated in terms of storytelling structure and their healing effects.

Methodology for Analyzing Visual Storytelling Text

  • Hollywood classical movies will be analyzed in terms of movie production techniques and storytelling structure.

Theory of Digital-Visual Rhetoric

  • Traditional humanities education will be reconsidered in relation with rhetoric and their meanings in the digitalized society

Literary Text and Visual Storytelling

  • The narrative structure of traditional poetry, novels, dramas, and essays will be investigated and reconstructed.

Introduction to Visual Language

  • analyzes mvoies, advertisement, photography, fine art in terms of storytelling structure and investigates the meaning-production processes

Studies in Modern Drama : Performance of Healing

  • Investigates the processes of healing in various drama works and the players of the works

Shakespeare and Storytelling

  • Investigates how Shakespearen masterpieces are related to storytelling and storytelling healing

Healing Drama: Metadrama and Dramatherapy

  • As an introduction to drama therapy, this course studies various factors of drama works so that students are exposed to the healing effects.

Theory and Practice in Storytelling Healing

  • Backgrounds and knowledge as a preliminary for literary therapy and related issues

Practice in Storytelling Healing

  • Studies texts related, directly or indirectly, to the storytelling healing