

English Literature

Seminar in American Literature Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours

  • Special topics in the study of American literature will be selected and explored.

Seminar in American Literature Ⅰ 3 Credit Hours

  • Special topics in the study of American literature will be selected and explored.

Seminar in British Literature Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours

  • Special topics in the study of British literature will be selected and explored.

Seminar in British Literature Ⅰ 3 Credit Hours

  • Special topics in the study of British literature will be selected and explored.

Theory and Practice in Translation 3 Credit Hours

  • In this course, students will be introduced to language and translation theories for translation. Practices of translation from English into Korean and from Korean into English will be attempted from the basis of translation theories as well.

Religion and Literature 3 Credit Hours

  • This course explores some ways in which religious ideas and practices appear in works of literature from different cultures.

Science and Literature 3 Credit Hours

  • This course is to introduces works of imaginative literature with scientific topics, and works of science. Topics include artificial life, artificial intelligence, evolution, extinction, entropy, genetics, digital writing, hypertext, and others.

Feminism and Literature 3 Credit Hours

  • The course explores a variety of British and American literature written by/about women as well as feminist critical approaches. This course also examines some of the key critical issues embedded in the establishment of the canon and the exclusion of women's literature.

Sexuality and Literature 3 Credit Hours

  • This course is designed to provide a critical understanding of eroticism and pornography represented in literature. The course will also explore the sexual politics of the way in which sexuality is represented in literature.

Environment and Literature 3 Credit Hours

  • This course is to explore the meaning of that concept "environment" through literature and to look at some of the different ways that literature has gone about explaining the environment. More specifically, this course will introduce you to some of the historical developments in thinking about the environment and some of the different literary modes through which literature has done that thinking.

Children's Literature 3 Credit Hours

  • The course will read children's literature, and explore its historical, cultural, and social significance, by discussing various issues surrounding it, such as the relationship of the world of children's literature to reality, and the mechanism in which children's literature serves to form individual and collective subjectivity.

Comparative Literature 3 Credit Hours

  • This course will focus on the study of literature and other cultural forms across linguistic and cultural boundaries with the perspective of the significance of studying literature along cross-cultural and international lines.

Film and Drama 3 Credit Hours

  • This course is to examine the relations between film and drama from the perspective of performance. Linguistic, socio-economic, psychoanalytic, and struturalistic, and poststructuralistic approaches will be attempted in the interpretation of dramatic and filmic performances.

Literature in English 3 Credit Hours

  • In this course, colonial and postcolonial literature will be studied with the focus on literary works written in the areas other than Britain and America.

Studies in British and American Culture 3 Credit Hours

  • Beginning with the examination of works at the Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies at Birmingham, the origin, spread, and transformation of the contemporary cultural studies will be examined in this course.

Semiotics and Literature 3 Credit Hours

  • This course is to study literature from the perspective of semiotics. Beginning with Saussure, the course will cover major theoriticians of semiotics such as Barthes, Greimas, Eco, Kristeva.

Narrative and Literature 3 Credit Hours

  • This course is to understand literary works from the perspective of narrative. Other narratives such as film, history, commercial advertisement will be examined in comparison with literary narratives.

British and American Literary Thought and Background 3 Credit Hours

  • This course is to explore the philosophical and historical background of British and American literature which distinguish them from other national literatures.

Modern British and American Literary Theory 3 Credit Hours

  • This course is to introduce contemporary literary theories to students. Theoretical texts of Saussure, Barthes, Althusser, Foucault, Derrida, and Deleuze will be included in the course among others.

Methods and Materials of Research in British and American Literature 3 Credit Hours

  • This course is designed to provide students with a grounding in the fundamental concepts of literary theory, techniques of literary research, and strategies for scholarly writing in the field.

Literary Criticism Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours

  • This course is an intensive course of literary criticism I. Crucial critical texts will be selected and examined from the perspective of contemporary literary theories.

Literary Criticism Ⅰ 3 Credit Hours

  • This course introduces students to major critics and texts formative in the development of an English critical tradition. The study will begin with Plato and Aristotle, and proceed from the Renaissance through to modernist critical theory.

Modern European Drama 3 Credit Hours

  • The course explores the works of modern European dramatists, such as Ibsen, Strindberg, Pirandello, Chehov, and Brecht.

Modern American Drama Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours

  • The course further explores selected works of contemporary American dramatists, with a focus on their interaction with the context in which they were produced.

Modern American Drama Ⅰ 3 Credit Hours

  • The course explores selected works of contemporary American dramatists, with a focus on their interaction with the context in which they were produced.

Modern British Drama Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours

  • The course further explores selected works of contemporary British dramatists, with a focus on their interaction with the context in which they were produced.

Modern British Drama Ⅰ 3 Credit Hours

  • The course explores selected works of contemporary British dramatists, with a focus on their interaction with the context in which they were produced.

Restoration and 18th Century Drama Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours

  • The course further explores the works of various dramatists of Restoration and 18th century.

Restoration and 18th Century DramaⅠ 3 Credit Hours

  • The course explores the works of various dramatists of Restoration and 18th century.

Renaissance Drama Excluding Shakespeare 3 Credit Hours

  • The course explores the development of British drama by reading various dramatists except Shakespeare.

American Novel After 1900 II 3 Credit Hours

  • The course is designed to read American novels published from 1900 to the present. The course aims to provide an in-depth understanding of features of the contemporary American novel.

American Novel After 1900 I 3 Credit Hours

  • The course examines various American novels published from 1900 to the present. The course will examine some of the cultural issues represented and reproduced in the American novel throughout history.

19th Century American Novel Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours

  • The course aims at a further examination of various 19th-century American novels. The course will explore the social, cultural context as well as the development of the American novel in the 19th-century.

19th Century American Novel Ⅰ 3 Credit Hours

  • The course will explore various 19th-century American novels and their interaction with the cultural, historical context. Authors to be considered include Hawthorne, Melville, Poe, Twain, Howells, and James.

British Novel After 1900 II 3 Credit Hours

  • The course aims at a further examination of various British novels published from 1900 to the present. The course will examine some of the cultural issues represented and reproduced in the British novel throughout history.

British Novel After 1900 I 3 Credit Hours

  • The course will explore various British novels published from 1900 to the present and their interaction with the cultural, historical context. Authors to be considered include Woolf, Lawrence, Joyce, and Foster.

19th Century British Novel Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours

  • The course aims at a further examination of various 19th-century British novels. The course will explore the social, cultural context as well as the development of the British novel in the 19th-century.

19th Century British Novel Ⅰ 3 Credit Hours

  • The course will explore various 19th-century British novels and their interaction with the cultural, historical context. Authors to be considered include Charles Dickens, George Eliot, and Thomas Hardy.

18th Century British Novel 3 Credit Hours

  • The course traces the development of the British novel in its beginning stage in the 18th century. The course will read several works by authors, such as Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Smollet, to give a better understanding of the British novel.

Modern American Poetry Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours

  • The course studies overall characteristics of Modern American poetry by reading and discussing major poetical works in the context of Modernism.

Modern American Poetry Ⅰ 3 Credit Hours

  • The course explores poetical works by Williams, Cummings, and Stevens, and investigates important features of Modern British poetry.

Modern British Poetry Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours

  • The course studies overall characteristics of Modern British poetry by reading and discussing major poetical works in the context of Modernism.

Modern British Poetry Ⅰ 3 Credit Hours

  • The course explores poetical works by Yeats, Eliot, Hopkins, and Auden, and investigates important features of Modern British poetry.

19th Century American Poetry Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours

  • The course offers readings of poetical texts by Whitman and Dickinson, and investigates the process by which the American poetic tradition was established.

19th Century American Poetry Ⅰ 3 Credit Hours

  • The course exposes students to poetical texts by major writers of the period and provides them with an in-depth understanding of American Transcendentalism.

19th Century British Poetry Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours

  • The course studies overall characteristics of Victorian literature and offers discussions of major poets such as Tennyson, Browning, Barrett Browning, Arnold, and Rossetti.

19th Century British Poetry I 3 Credit Hours

  • The course investigates British Romantic literature by reading poetical texts by British Romantic writers and examining their theoretical arguments on poetic creation.

18th Century English Poetry 3 Credit Hours

  • The course explores important features of Neoclassical literature and studies poetical works by Dryden, Pope, and Johnson.

Restoration and 18th Century Literature 3 Credit Hours

  • The course offers a general discussion of the period, focusing on literary critics such as Dryden and Pope, as well as early novelists such as Defoe and Swift.

17th Century English Poetry 3 Credit Hours

  • The course studies 17th Century English poetry in depth by reading and discussing various poems by Metaphysical Poets, Cavalier Poets, and Pre-Augustans.