English Linguistics
Seminar in English Linguistics Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours
- Intensive survey of a special topic selected among current ones in formal/functional syntactic/ semantic theories or discourse analysis and application of the current theories to an in-depth analysis of linguistic data. This course includes the presentation and discussion of students' analytic papers.
Seminar in English Linguistics I 3 Credit Hours
- Intensive survey of a special topic selected among current ones in phonetic, phonological, or morphological fields. This course includes the presentation and discussion of students' analytic papers.
Proseminar in English Linguistics Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours
- Survey of specialized current topics in formal/functional syntactic/ semantic theories or discourse analysis and application of the current theories to an in-depth analysis of linguistic data. This course includes the presentation and discussion of students' analytic papers.
Proseminar in English Linguistics I 3 Credit Hours
- Survey of specialized current topics in phonetic, phonological, or morphological fields. This course includes the presentation and discussion of students' analytic papers.
Computational Linguistics 3 Credit Hours
- Survey of recent work on natural language processing, including basic syntactic parsing strategies, with brief glimpses of semantic representation, reasoning, and response generation.
Corpus Linguistics 3 Credit Hours
- Overview of theories of corpus linguistics, dealing with topics such as development of corpus linguistics, frequency analysis of words, phrases, or patterns, collocation, Collection and analysis of corpus data and application to English education.
Studies in Linguistics and Translation 3 Credit Hours
- Translation studies employs linguistic theories such as Systemic-Functionalism and other current theories. This course introduces basic linguistic notions for translation studies.
Linguistic Theories and English Literature 3 Credit Hours
- Survey of linguistic theories applicable to the analysis of English literary works, dealing with theories such as structural linguistics, semiotics, stylistics, metaphor, cognitive linguistics, narrative analysis, and (critical) discourse analysis.
Language and Culture 3 Credit Hours
- Overview of topics on the relationships between language and culture, dealing with topics such as cultural factors in language use, socialization, intercultural communication, language and gender, social identities, language, culture, and thought.
Conversation Analysis 3 Credit Hours
- Collection, transcription, and analysis of talk-in-interaction as achievements of social action, dealing with topics such as turn-taking, sequence organization, repair, adjacency pairs, and preference organization.
History of Linguistic Science 3 Credit Hours
- Survey of development of linguistic theories such as structural linguistics, Transformational Generative Grammar, Phrase Structure Grammar, and Lexical-Functional Grammar, from point of view of theories' relative descriptive and explanatory power.
Studies in Language Acquisition 3 Credit Hours
- Survey of theoretical perspectives and contemporary empirical research in development of syntax and other components of grammar, with particular emphasis on acquisition theory, linguistic theory, and issues of learnability.
Psycholinguistics 3 Credit Hours
- Survey of major topics in psycholinguistics in terms of biological functions of language, language signal understanding and production, and language acquisition. Topics includes the organization of language in the brain, language signal processing, mental lexicon access, and utterance understanding and production.
Understanding Applied Linguistics 3 Credit Hours
- Review of theoreotical development and research directions of applied linguistics and apply them to practical data.
Sociolinguistics 3 Credit Hours
- Survey of major topics in sociolinguistics in terms of an interaction and relationship between social factors and language structures. Topics include social variables and language, dialectology, bilingualism, gender and language, interactional and critical sociolinguistics.
Cognitive Linguistics 3 Credit Hours
- Overview of major topics in cognitive grammar and cognitive science. Topics include concepts, subjectification, transitivity, construals, image schemas, mental spaces, and conceptual structure.
Discourse Analysis 3 Credit Hours
- Overview of current theories in discourse analysis, dealing with grammatical constructions from the perspective of functional grammar. Transcription and analysis of conversational data. Topics include types of NPs and anaphora, information flow and discourse structure, types of information, discourse-based studies of grammatical constructions.
English Pragmatics 3 Credit Hours
- Overview of current theories in English pragmatics. Topics include deixis, entailment and presupposition, Speech Act Theory, and Conversational Implicature, politeness, and conversational structure.
Comparative Syntax 3 Credit Hours
- Modern theories of linguistics are basically drawn out from comparative research methods. This course aims at describing natural languages such as English, Korean, and other languages using current theories of syntax. Topics include wh-movement, case theory, licensing, NPI, relativization, and interpretive mechanisms.
Comparative Phonology 3 Credit Hours
- Cross-linguistic survey of phonological phenomena. Topics includes both segmental and suprasegmental issues occurring various languages and the exploration of applicability of Optimality Theory to language variation.
Studies in Contemporary Syntactic Theories 3 Credit Hours
- Selected topics on syntactic theories of anaphora and quantification from the following areas: typology of binding categories (pronouns, anaphors, etc.); theory of locality conditions in binding theory; parametric variation in binding; quantifier movement; existential quantification and unselective binding; strong and weak crossover; superiority; scope interactions; complex quantifier structures.
Studies in Contemporary Phonological Theories 3 Credit Hours
- Current research and issues in phonological theory. Topics include structure of phonological representations, relations between representations, architecture of the grammar, and explanations for phonological theory.
English Morphology Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours
- In-depth treatment of topics in the area of English morphology. Especially topics in English morphology shall be discussed and supplemented with recent theories of morphology.
English Semantics Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours
- Survey of current approaches to model-theoretic semantics and its relation to current linguistic theory. Advanced topics in lexical semantics, formal semantics, and pragmatics. Approaches include issues in lexical meanings, generalized categorial grammars, Montague grammar, generalized quantifier theory, logical form, and current development of semantic theories.
English Syntax Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours
- In-depth introduction to selected topics in theory of movement processes and topics selected from following areas: WH-movement and related rules, subjacency and other constraints on movement; ECP and related conditions on distribution of empty categories; resumptive pronoun constructions; parametric variation in movement constructions; LF WH-movement; filters; reconstruction; parasitic gaps; barriers theory; control theory; null subject parameter.
English Phonology Ⅱ 3 Credit Hours
- In-depth survey of current research in phonological theory. Topics include autosegmentalism (tone, tiers, segment structure), feature theory, underspecification, prosodic morphology, and Optimality Theory.
Experimental Phonetics 3 Credit Hours
- Use of laboratory equipment to investigate articulatory, acoustic, and perceptual properties of speech. Topics include experimental design and statistics; theoretical basis of acoustic structure of speech sounds; computer-based speech processing, analysis, and modeling; perceptual and acoustic evaluation of synthetic speech.
Historical Linguistics & History of the English Language 3 Credit Hours
- Survey of major topics in historical linguistics, dealing with sound change, reconstruction, principles of language change, grammaticalization. Overview of current theories and research problems in language change. Development of the English language, dealing with topics such as leveling, Great Vowel Shift, standardization of English, and world Englishes.
Syntax and Morphology 3 Credit Hours
- Dealing with the interface between syntax and morphology, we apply the current theories of syntax to morphology and draw generalizations for English words.
Contemporary English Grammar 3 Credit Hours
- Overview of traditional school grammar, incorporating into the course the research results in discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, and conversation analysis. Topics include parts of speech, noun and verb structures, clause structures, and some major topics in English grammar.
English Morphology Ⅰ 3 Credit Hours
- Survey of current theories and research problems in morphology. Nature of morphological structure; derivational and inflectional morphology; relation of morphology to phonology, syntax, and the lexicon.
English Semantics Ⅰ 3 Credit Hours
- Overview of current results and research methods in linguistic semantics, dealing with lexical semantics, formal semantics, and pragmatics. Topics include lexical meanings and relations, propositional logic, predicate logic, and formal semantic interpretation in formal semantics, and deixis, speech act theory, entailment and presupposition, and conversational implicature in pragmatics.
English Syntax Ⅰ 3 Credit Hours
- In-depth introduction to selected topics in theory of constituent structure and syntax of predicates, arguments, and grammatical relations. Topics include levels of representation, X-bar theory, case theory, thematic roles, the lexicon, grammatical function-changing rules, head-complement relations.
English Phonology Ⅰ 3 Credit Hours
- Survey of current research in phonological theory. Interaction of phonology with morphology and syntax, syllable structure, stress.
English Phonetics 3 Credit Hours
- Overview of English phonetic theories, dealing with topics such as articulatory phonetics, functional anatomy of vocal organs; fundamental principles of acoustics and of acoustic theory of speech production; issues in perception of speech; nature and design of feature systems for phonetic and phonological analysis.
Survey of Contemporary Linguistics 3 Credit Hours
- General introduction to contemporary linguistic theories in major areas such as phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. Survey of current theories in minor areas such as historical linguistics, language acquisition, computational linguistics, pragmatics and discourse analysis.